Siemens SITRANS F M MAG 6000
March 6, 2023
Siemens SITRANS HydroRanger 200
March 6, 2023Siemens SITRANS F M Verificator
The SITRANS F M Verificator is a highly advanced instrument used to carry out the complex verification and performance check, according to unique Siemens patented principles.
The SITRANS F M Verificator is a highly advanced instrument used to carry out the complex verification and performance check, according to unique Siemens patented principles. The Verificator checks the general operation conditions of the flowmeter but also that the flowmeter is within specification including the sensor’s magnetic integrity. The verification process takes only 15 minutes and is fully automated.
The SITRANS F M Verificator can be used with the following MAG sensors and transmitters:
SITRANS F M MAG 1100: Wafer construction
SITRANS F M MAG 1100 F: Food and pharma sensor
SITRANS F M MAG 5100 W: Water applications
SITRANS F M MAG 3100: Flexible sensor program
SITRANS F M MAG 3100 P: Chemical and process applications
SITRANS F M MAG 5000: Measuring accuracy of + 0.4 % of flow rate, most cost effective transmitter
SITRANS F M MAG 6000: Measuring accuracy of + 0.2 % of flow rate, has bus communication and batch