Siemens SITRANS FUE380
The 2-track SITRANS FUE380 is the custody transfer approved version of SITRANS FUS380. It can be verified and sealed for use in various countries.
Siemens SITRANS FUE950
The battery or mains powered SITRANS FUE950 is a universal custody transfer approved energy calculator.
Siemens SITRANS FUG1010 (Gas)
SITRANS FUG1010 clamp-on non-intrusive ultrasonic flowmeter is ideal for numerous natural and process gas applications.
Siemens SITRANS FUG1010 Gas Check Metering Kit
The transportable dual path SITRANS FUG1010 check metering kit is an invaluable tool in lost and unaccounted for (LAUF) analysis and flow survey verifications of gas.
Siemens SITRANS FUH 1010 Interface Detection (Oil)
The SITRANS FUH1010 clamp-on non-intrusive ultrasonic interface detector is ideal for oil applications that require differentiation between various liquids in a pipeline and determination of liquid quality.
Siemens SITRANS FUH1010 Precision Volume (Oil)
The SITRANS FUH1010 precision volume clamp-on non-intrusive ultrasonic flowmeter is ideal for numerous hydrocarbon applications carrying crude oil, refined petroleum or liquefied gas.
Siemens SITRANS FUH1010 Standard Volume (Oil)
The SITRANS FUH1010 clamp-on non-intrusive ultrasonic flowmeter is ideal for hydrocarbon applications carrying crude oil, refined petroleum, or liquefied gas. It measures, flow, density, and temperature and as such provides mass output.
Siemens SITRANS FUP1010 (Portable)
The SITRANS FUP1010 clamp-on non-intrusive ultrasonic flowmeter offers maximum versatility plus battery power for portable field use.
Siemens SITRANS FUP1010 Liquid Check Metering Kit
With the SITRANS FUP1010 Liquid Check Metering kit all types of liquids can be measured. It is the most versatile check metering in the portfolio with applications ranging from slurries in the mining industry to crude and light hydrocarbons in the oil industry.
Siemens SITRANS FUP1010 Water Check Metering Kit
Thanks to the inclusion of three different transducer pairs, the single channel SITRANS FUP1010 check metering kit for water and wastewater applications measures a wide range of liquids.
The SITRANS F US SONO 3100/SITRANS FUS060 flowmeter consists of a SITRANS F US SONO 3100 sensor with O-ring or flange transducers depending on the application.
The SITRANS F US SONO3300/SITRANS FUS060 flowmeter consists of a SITRANS F US SONO 3300 sensor and a SITRANS FUS060 transmitter.